Pray With Us

Prayer is a vital piece of our ministry at Gallery Church. We firmly believe we are incapable of accomplishing anything valuable without God, so our first response is prayer. This conviction has lead to a few patterns and practices that we participate in as a church.

Daily Windows

We try to pause three times each day for prayer in something we like to call our Daily Window. Modeled after Daniel’s example in the Old Testament, we have set aside time each day where we encourage the people of Gallery Church to briefly stop what they are doing and pray. This time is a chance to focus ourselves and remind us that apart from God we can do nothing but with Him all things are possible. (For more information on what our DW is all about, and to find our Daily Window for the day click here.)

Other Events

We also set aside time at various points throughout the year for special prayer based events, retreats, and fasts. These moments of focused attention and effort help to mold and shape our corporate heart and identity together as well as draw us closer to God as individuals.

Almost all of our events are posted to our church app and our Facebook and Instagram feeds, with details and additional information needed for participation.