Displaying God’s Greatness to the world

Weekly Gatherings
Sundays @ 10:00am

1840s Plaza
29 S. Front Street
Baltimore, MD 21202

Learn more about our Gatherings

Streaming live on Sundays @ 10:00am

Previous Gatherings available any time
On YouTube

We challenge our Covenant Family to take ownership of the spiritual condition of their neighborhoods, finding ways not only to love one another but also to tangibly love those living nearby through the intentional allocation of their time, talents, and resources for the sake of the Kingdom of God.  (Intentional Living)

The Gallery Church Story

Gallery Church Baltimore began with a dream: a dream of more clearly representing the Church that Jesus started long ago, a dream of a Church committed to the message and life of Jesus Christ. Underlying this dream was both the conviction that we must paint a picture of God in how we love each other and the conviction that the Church should be fresh, exciting, and relevant to today’s generation.

The bar has been set high! If the way we live paints a picture of who God is, then when people watch us at work, in our neighborhoods, at the ballpark, shopping, or taking a walk, they will have a chance to see God (or not see Him). God has set us up in the world like art–“His masterpiece” displayed in an art gallery. His desire is for people to love Him because they have seen us. Just like when we fall in love with an artist after we have seen the work of his hands, people should fall in love with God after they have witnessed the work of His Hands: us.

To put it simply, our church is excited to join the work God is already doing in Baltimore as He sets out to establish His Kingdom on Earth! We exist to engage people with the Gospel. We desire to mobilize them to love God wholeheartedly and to love others, all in order to demonstrate our love for God and other people.